Please note: Only use the firmware file in connection with the current software-version of the CCUx!
Device: HmIP-MIOB - Homematic IP Multi I/O-Box
Company: eQ-3, Maiburger Str. 29, 26789 Leer, Germany
** Bugfix
** Bugfix
** Bugfix
** Bugfix
** Bugfix
** Bugfix
** New Feature
** Improvement
** Bugfix * Level Command at analog output fixed * Behaviour of event counter fixed
** Improvement * Split up event counter for digital input channels in case of conditional switch command
** Modification * Change to Version 1.8.004.
** Bugfix * Long keypress behaviour at digital input channels corrected (last long keypress is sent with arr) * Fixed wrong behaviour of application sequence counter
** Improvement * Sending of config request frames in case of no linkpartner at digital input channels
** Modification * Change to Version 1.8.002.
** Bugfix * Weekprogram under certain circumstances does switch all actuator channels if switched all at the same time
** Improvement * Weekprogram implemented * Pairing with FALMOT * All PowerUp parameters, that are listed in list 3 of the device, must be supported. * Disable MSG to AC parameter implemented * Application Sequence Counter handling adapted * Configuration parameter for pushbutton channel (long presstime, double presstime, repeated long press timeout) added
** Modification * Change to Version 1.8.000.
** Improvement * MIOB behaviour in case of system restart improved. Now sends DEC-Logic to FAL in any case.
** Modification * Change to Version 1.6.004.
** Bugfix * In case of multiple FAL, linked to different acutator channels of the MIOB, in some configurations not all FALs got DEC Logic command (eg. for changeover).
** Modification * Change to Version 1.6.002.
** Bugfix * Fixed Issue: Direct execution command was sent to FAL on wrong Channel. If no Link between Out0 and FAL created, no DEC was sent from MIOB
** Modification * Change to Version 1.6.001.
** Bugfix * Error in heat demand function (VIRT B-Channels of both actuators) fixed.
** Modification * Change to Version 1.6.000.
** Bugfix * Issue with global pump protection function (in conjunction with the FAL) fixed.
** Modification * Change to Version 1.4.000.
** Bugfix
* Fixed issue with powerup ontime and powerup ondelay at actuator channels.
* Fixed issue with event delaytime and event randomtime for statusinfo
transmission in case of statuschange at actuator channels.
* Fixed issue with log keypress timer at application startup.
** Modification * Change to Version 1.2.000.
** Bugfix
* Bugfix at internal link between input and output channels (CO-Pilot).
** Modification * Change to Version 1.0.012.
** Bugfix * Double ack at csc and usc fixed. * Application sequence counter error fixed.
** Modification * Change to Version 1.0.011. * Changed Lib to 1.16.1
** Bugfix * Bug with DEC of second relay output fixed
** Modification * Change to Version 1.0.010. * Unconditional switch command added for switching actuator channels
** Bugfix
* Application ACK is now sent in case of set ARR Bit.
* Logic Combination fixed.
* Powerupactions fixed.
* Edit Parameterlist fixed.
** Modification * Change to Version 1.0.009. * Send Statusinfo subsequent to levelcommand or dec with level on channel for analog output. * Statusinfo is only sent in case of "significant" changes.
** Modification * Change to Version 1.0.008. * Minor changes in pairing routines. * Device Functions IDs adapted.
** Bugfix * Bugfix in SNC Command
** Modification * Change to Version 1.0.007. * Internal Links implemented (eg. Link between C/O input and CO-Pilot Output). * Tactile Switch functionality implemented for digital Inputs (sends Unconditional Switch Command with short (<400 ms) or long (>400 ms every 250 ms) keypress). * Statusinfo implemented.
** Bugfix * Bugfix in pairing routines.
** Modification * Change to Version 1.0.006. * Heatdemand relay functions on Virt B channels implemented. * DEC send to FAL if FAL reset has been detected (sequence counter = 0x01).
** Bugfix * Bugfix in pairing routines.
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