Um den Aktor in den Update-Mode zu versetzen, ist wie folgt vorzugehen:
- Netzspannung ausschalten / vom Gerät trennen (Ggfs. Sicherheitshinweise der Installation beachten!),
- den Aus/runter-Taster (UP-Markenschalter) bzw. den Bedientaster von Kanal 1 (sonstige Aktoren) drücken und festhalten,
- bei immer noch gedrückt gehaltener Taste den Aktor wieder mit Netzspannung versorgen.
- Sobald die LED schnell blinkt, kann die Taste losgelassen werden. Das Update wird jetzt durchgeführt.
Version 2.9.5 - 20150729
** Bugfix
- simulation of internal buttons fixed
** Modification
- add support for HM-LC-Dim1T-FM-LF
Version 2.8.3 - 20140508
** Bugfix
- statusinfo random value = 0 was not proper
- ACK for ramp-stop was always on CH1
** Modification
- patable moved to fixed flash adress
Version 2.7.1 - 20140210
** Bugfix
- LEVEL_REAL in ACK telegrams of devices with virtual channels was wrong
** Improvement
- increased immunity of load error detection of leading edge dimmers
Version 2.6.1 - 20131204
** Bugfix
- reset at devices with separate config button was reachable by 1x short + 1x long buttonpress
- configuration process interrupted when AES was active
Version 2.5.5 - 20131126
** Bugfix
- error in load appear behaviour at HM-LC-Dim1L-Pl-3
- config start telegram was accepted from foreign CCUs
- LED signal for usererr modified to 2s
- LED signal for device defect modified
** New Feature
- AES support
- local reset disable added
Version 2.4.0 - 20130712
** Modification
Version 2.3.2 - 20130417
** Bugfix
- teach-in corrupted when partner sends 2x 0xff as additional info
- special value for statusinfo inactive modified (from 0xff to 0)
- parameter list 3 info telegram had wrong index at ELSE_ACTION parameters
Version 2.2.0 - 20120315
** New Feature
- bootloader can be accessed by rf telegram
Version 2.1.0 - 20120113
** Bugfix
- reduced flicker on dirty mains
** Modification
- new LED signals
- powerup action modified
- internal buttons and links per default visible
** Improvement
- softdim at manuel dimming instead of visible steps
- statusinfo timer with new calculation method